Time Flies When You're in Love~
It's been a grey day and I've just been holed up in my room since it's so cold outside. I actually did go out to take some pictures of my friend for my photography assignment, and it went well. But when I got back to my room, my fingers were stiff and freezing! Luckily, I don't have much homework so I can just relax, which is what I have been doing. I do wish I could bake something though..... Last week went well, except there was a TERRIBLE storm for a few days! The wind and rain were so strong I had trouble sleeping! Not to mention that walking to class and the University Center was a chore. There might be more rain this week, so I am not looking forward to that. Andrew started classes again and his schedule is rather intense! I have been there for him and we have fun being together, even if we are sometimes tired lol. I went to a couple family parties this weekend which were so fun!! I was a little overwhelmed by all the people I hadn't yet met, but everyone was ...