Chowder and Soup in July?!

Yes, the weather has been acting oddly this past week. Chilly winds and cold evenings have been plaguing where I live. This afternoon it's been hot, about 90 degrees, which actually feels kind of nice. :) Scooter is enjoying walking around our little porch in the nice sunshine!

Last night, my dad wanted to make corn chowder since we had some fresh corn on the cob from the farm stand near us. It was tasty and warm! He also put in some potatoes I had bought from the farmer's market in Martinez, so it was a pretty healthy (apart from the bacon hahaha) and organic meal! The bacon added a nice saltiness so it was appreciated. :)

Here are some of the grapes that I bought at the Martinez farmer's market. They were pretty sweet with a somewhat tough exterior, but my sister and I enjoyed them before lunch. We put some in cute little red mugs to nibble on. :D

For lunch, my dad made the leftover taco meat for himself and my sister. But also, he kindly made me some beef ramen! We had some noodles in the fridge we needed to eat up, so he made me soup. It was comforting and tasty! There was only noodles, fresh green onion, beef broth, soy sauce, and an egg in it. Very simple but satisfying. :)

I am rather bummed because this weekend is the Adobo Festival in Stockton, right down the street from where Andrew lives!!!! I am DYING to go!! (It would have been a good excuse to see my love too, but I am hoping to see him this week! ;D) Alas, this year is not the year for me to go.......hopefully next summer it will come back to Stockton! What it seems to consist of (I was being a stalker and found the website) is a bunch of chefs making their own styles of adobo, a Filipino stew made with chicken, pork, vinegar, soy sauce, bay leaves, and other things served with rice. It's delicious! My dad makes it sometimes, as does Andrew's mom. I am dying to try hers though! :D

After lunch my sister and I went to the mall, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I found two nice shirts and a cute little dress at Forever 21, all for $25!! I love finding good sales! :D Otherwise, we have been relaxing at home. I might read and practice guitar later. I have been working on a couple new poems, and I am really excited about them!

My dad wants to make the Ethiopian chicken stew Doro Wat tonight for dinner. In fact, he is in the kitchen starting it right now! Yum! Look forward to that post! ;)


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