Adventures in Lent-land: Day 1
Yes, my friends, it's that time of year again: Spring Break! I, for one, wish my college would have spring break later, when it's actually more spring-like, but it's okay. I went home yesterday and was confronted with a house empty of meat because of Lent! Now, I was not worried; my dad is a great cook and I don't need meat to be happy. So, for this week, I decided to document all the food I eat in an effort to show the world how one family eats during Lent. :) (Also, this gives me something to work on as I miss Andrew SO MUCH) I hope you all enjoy the posts this week! :D
Lunch yesterday was simple and comforting. I was supposed to be in LA with friend for the beginning of break; however, I have been sick since last Monday and wasn't better by the time they left. Thus, I just went home to rest and recuperate. Since my throat was hurting a lot yesterday, I requested miso soup for lunch and my dad did not disappoint! :) It was rich and thick with tangy miso, flavorful chicken broth, crunchy green onions, and firm tofu! I loved it!! I had two full bowls of it! I am so proud of my dad for mastering miso soup!
Along with the miso soup, my dad whipped up my old favorite, grilled cheese sandwiches! He used my favorite cheese, extra sharp Tillamook cheddar! YUM! :D I was a happy Opy~
Of course, we need our veggies, so he made a quick salad. It was a fantastic and light lunch! I didn't miss meat at all! The tofu was very firm and almost meaty in it's richness~ My boo would have loved it!
Yesterday afternoon was super busy, and I tagged along even though I was sick. My sister had to go to a solo competition with her bass clarinet in a nearby city, so as we drove her there we got lost. Luckily, we arrived 5 minutes before she was to play and she ended up getting a Superior! Yay! :) In the meantime, my dad and I were at the nearby Borders and he bought me a Japan guide book and a SAT boom for my sister. Then, we went to pick her up and go home. Of course, she wanted to celebrate, so after we dropped my dad home we went to get ice cream at Loard's Ice Cream, our childhood favorite! :D Above is my junior sundae, with rocky road ice cream, caramel sauce, whipped cream, and nuts. It was $4.75 and the perfect amount. They had lots of other flavors I want to try, such as toasted almond and caramel cashew! :)
We finally got home and relaxed until dinner. My dad made some salmon he had bought already marinated from Trader Joes. However, we didn't taste any marinade at all, just fishy not my thing, but I ate it anyway. The fried rice, on the other hand, was phenomenal, and we ate the whole batch up! My dad has been impressing me with his ability to make very good Asian food! ;)
So ends my first day of spring break and first day of Lent! I will probably end up eating meat when I go out to eat this week, but at home I have pledged not to eat any at all. It's kind of fun, actually! :) I was looking at some vegan food pics on flickr earlier and I have realized that there is quite a bit one can eat when vegan, especially when it comes to Asian food. Andrew would probably do really well as a vegan or vegetarian! :D I still love my eggs and rare beef steak in pho though! ;)
Anyone else have any vegan or Lent adventures lately? :) Keep reading this week, because I will have more interesting things to post! :)
Loard's Ice Cream of Alamo
Loard's Ice Cream of Alamo
220 Alamo Plaza
Suite B
Alamo, CA 94507
(925) 743-1867
Momofraise Says: Old-fashioned ice cream shops are the best!
OOooo my healthy luv kinda! looks gewd foo! glad ur enjoying yourself! luv u and miss u!