On The Joys of Short Fiction and Poetry

Hello dear readers! 

My husband and I came back from a little vacation a few days ago and have been settling back into reality. We had a lovely time, just relaxing and shutting down for a little while in San Francisco. We ate lovely food and saw the Replacements perform at the Masonic, which was AMAZING! 

It's amazing how busy life can be, especially when you have three little ones running around like we do. ;) The potty training for the twins is going really well, I am happy to say, and we are all getting used to it. 

I have a Twitter account now, so follow me @OpheliaLeong . I am trying to put some more work in promoting myself and my writing, and I'm excited about it! Check it out! 

A couple days ago, I found out that a haiku I submitted to Three Line Poetry has been accepted for publication, which made me really happy. I received a couple rejections last weekend, so it was great to hear of an acceptance. More details to come! 

Speaking of haiku, I was working on a couple vignettes/flash fiction pieces this morning and I started thinking about how fun it can be to write succinctly. Haiku are great for practicing because they force you to write a short poem that makes sense with only a few words. You have to count the syllables and think about all the different combinations of ideas and words. I have loved writing them ever since I first learned about them in school. I am sure the haiku I write aren't true haiku in the Japanese sense, but I still enjoy it. 

As for vignettes and flash fiction, those are fun as well. Sometimes I have an idea that wouldn't work as a long story, so it's nice to write a short piece where you can focus on all the senses instead of a complex storyline. I am almost 50,000 words into my novel and I am starting to realize how much work it takes, especially since it is a fantasy novel with quite a few characters. It's an intense experience! I have been taking a little break and working on some shorter things, just to give my novel a breather and come back to it with fresh ideas. 

Anyway, keep on writing and follow me for more musings of life, writing, parenting, and food! ;) 


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