Time to Check In!

I can't believe it's already the end of July! This summer has gone by so quickly! This morning I found myself thinking about Fall and all the changes we are going to see in the weather and trees. Grey skies, chilly mornings, random hot chocolate cravings, acorns crunching all over the place...lots of fun to look forward to!

Actually, I just want the heat to go away.

On Sunday, we took the kids, along with my dad, to the beach. It was their first real "beach day" and we had fun, but it was exhausting. Taking three young kids to the beach takes a lot of you, just saying. They didn't even want to go near the water, which is understandable since the waves are loud. So they just sat in the sand and played for a couple hours while I went into the water and splashed around. I felt like I was 9 years old again!

Anyway, back to the real world now. I have a few sandy tote bags that I need to clean out, not to mention a crazy amount of laundry.

So, writing news! My piece "The Reunion Concert" was published in Vine Leaves Literary Journal's Issue 15 here ! I am so excited about this because I love the idea of vignettes and have been wanting to be published in that journal for quite some time now. Lots of other great pieces and art so check it out!

I was also published in Eunoia Review here ! This is a poem I wrote in college that I've always liked but have been secretive about. I'm glad its been published now; it's quite dear to me. :)

I have a few pieces still in the submissions process, so I'm waiting to hear back on those. Otherwise, I am on Twitter @OpheliaLeong and am trying to be more active on there. So follow me and lets talk writing! (Or parenting or books or Irish Dancing or whatever!) I've always been submitting to Flash! Friday's flash fiction contests and those have been fun little exercises for me to practice flash fiction writing. You can check out the website here: https://flashfriday.wordpress.com/ .

Hope you all are doing well! Comment if you have any questions, comments, or just want to chat about your dog. Enjoy the summer!


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