Topsy Turvy Teatime!

Hello all!

I can't believe the summer has flown by so quickly! I am definitely looking forward to cooler weather, Fall colors, crisp leaves littering the ground, pumpkin everything, and Christmas decorations!! (Yes, I love Fall!) Also, I am back into my Irish Dance class again after my school had a summer break and I am so happy! I am now preparing for the East Bay Feis on the last weekend of October, so wish me luck! I've got lots of work to do before then! ;)

As for my writing, I've hit over 73,000 words in my novel now and I am inching closer to the end. However, my characters have minds of their own and keep bringing things up that I, the author, have to deal with. They are so logical! I'm worried that my novel is going to be crazy long, but that might just mean I'll have to cut some scenes that don't work. We'll see. This whole writing a novel adventure has taught me so much and there is more to learn!

I've had a few pieces published and I am waiting to hear back on a lot of pieces. I am rather impatient at times and I really wish some editors would kindly hurry up and not keep me waiting for six months or more....oh well. Such is the writing world. I am still waiting to see if Chronicle Books is interested in the children's book I sent them in late March. If they aren't, I am planning to revise it one more time, check my query letter, and sent it out again!

I was so pleased to be published in Issue 15 of Vine Leaves Literary Journal: Issue 15
I love that they want pieces that are more like "vignettes," which are fun to write and differ from flash fiction. Check it out! My piece is called "The Reunion Concert."

I also had a flash fiction piece called "On The MUNI" published on the Saturday Night Reader website here: On The MUNI 
I haven't received much feedback about this piece, which is interesting. Do people not like it? I actually love it, but it might not be too everyone's taste. Check it out and let me know, all right? I'll send you virtual hugs! ;)

I recently found out that a poem I wrote over the summer has been accepted by Mothers Always Write, which is a great online lit mag about parenting. Beautiful pieces and a beautiful website. I am so excited to be published in it again! I'll keep you updated.

Otherwise, life goes on and my days are occupied with three growing kids and a condo that I am constantly cleaning and trying to organize. The kids are doing great! Baby G turned 2 a couple weeks ago and is talking, singing, playing, and wanting to get potty-trained! He's adorable and growing up everyday. The twins have had a growth spurt recently and both have outgrown a lot of their clothes. Both twins are eating a lot and aren't as picky, which is awesome. I'm also trying to make money for my Irish Dancing by selling on eBay and on Instagram, so check out my Instagram shop @twoforteavintageshop. If you mention my blog when making an offer to buy something, I'll give you 15% off! ;)

The kids are quiet in their room, hopefully napping, so I might have a little time to work on more writing! Take care everyone and happy Thursday! :) In the comments, let me know what YOU have been up to! Anyone have a favorite piece they've written this summer?


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