Writing About Motherhood

Hello everyone! Here we are at the end of September and I am enjoying hot chocolate, even though this past weekend was HOT. Hope everyone else is well!

I've been thinking about motherhood lately, and the ways to express my experience with motherhood in writing. I wrote two new poems for an anthology about motherhood called All You Can Hold, and I hope the editor likes them! I recently had a poem accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of Mothers Always Write, which is a wonderful online literary journal. They published one of my poems in the beginning when I was just coming back to writing and submitting a couple years ago. The staff have been so supportive too!

Writing about motherhood is important but might not be easy or simple. So many emotions come with being a parent, and sometimes it can be difficult to sift through those emotions and express them on paper. I love writing about little moments with my kids; my most recently accepted poem is about peeling an orange for my kids. I was inspired to write it when, you guessed it, I was peeling an orange for my kids and the sweet scent of the orange wafted up to my nose. I then thought about how I am the one making food for my children and feeding them. All three are much too young to cook for themselves, so I make their food. As parents, we provide our children with so many things, and food is a big one. They are growing and need all the nourishment they can get, and as their parents we purchase their food and make it for them.

Motherhood is a precious time as well as a busy time. We as parents have to make time to write, create, or even just relax. My husband and I both feel that since we've had our kids, we both have been more motivated than ever to work on our creative projects. My husband is a musician and is working on recording and perfecting his original work. By day, he is a musician for assisted living facilities, board and cares, nursing homes, and more. I am so proud of him! You can check out his Twitter here: Andy Lovesong Twitter .

Expressing oneself creatively is cathartic and healthy while in the midst of parenthood. I can't believe how many literary journals have published one of my works since I've had the kids; it's not a huge number, but since I am so busy with three kids, it's awesome to me!

Being a mother is a wonderful gift, but it's not without it's hard times. Writing about some of those difficult moments may help parents reflect on those times and help others who may be going through the same thing. As a mother of twins, I've gone and am going through unique experiences. Some things aren't that easy for me to write about, but I've recently written a poem about twins called "Twins." (Imaginative, right? XD) I'd like to try to write more about being a mother of twins, but I'm not going to force it. Writing poetry can be fluid and inspiration comes from all over.

What is your experience writing about motherhood or any other life-changing event? Let me know in the comments! :)

*Photo from Foodiesfeed.com


  1. Congrats about the publications! Though I'm not a mother myself, I can appreciate a lot of things about mothers. ^ ^ I remember my mom peeling oranges for me as a kid and making them into blossom shapes. Wow twins! My cousin had her twins last year. They seem like an interesting challenge for a parent, but so cute. ^ ^


    1. Thank you!! I'll write a post with links to all the places I've been published. :) Blossom shapes sound cute! Makes me think of cutting apples into bunny shapes like you see in anime sometimes! ;) Yep, I've got twins! One boy and one girl, they will be 4 in November. Aw congrats to your cousin! They are cute, but definitely not easy! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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