So Much Excitement!!!

Hello friends! We are over midway through October and I can't wait for the holiday season. My kids are obsessed with Halloween and they love seeing Halloween decorations everywhere. I am excited about Halloween, of course, but I'm even more excited about the day after Halloween.

Why, you ask?

Because Sunday November 1 is the Adult Competition day of the East Bay Feis! It'll be my first Feis (Irish Dance competition) in about 10 or so years, so I am really looking forward to it! I have been practicing more at home, which is great but requires a strong will because once the kids are in bed, I'm pretty tired. But I just think about how much I love Irish Dancing and how I want to do well at the Feis and then I  find the energy to practice. I need to work on some technique things, though. Less than two weeks to go!!! And the crazy part is that there are a lot of adults competing in the Adult Beginner category, so now I'm feeling the pressure! :) 

In more exciting news, Mothers Always Write published their October issue today and it's lovely. They published a new poem of mine entitled "Peeling an Orange for My Children," which I am really proud of. I am so happy to see it published, especially in such a great journal. Here is the link to read it: Peeling an Orange for My Children by Ophelia Leong

Let me know what you think! I'm really enjoying this issue. ;) 

I'm still busy over here, but trying to work on writing more, as well as prepare and practice for my upcoming feis. I really love Irish Dancing and I am so happy to be able to dance. Age is just a number and should never stop anybody from doing something they enjoy, like dancing or writing. 

I hope you all are enjoying October! I love Autumn and can't wait for cooler weather! 


  1. I love dressing up for Halloween the most and carving pumpkins. ^ ^ I plan on doing both of those in the next two weeks. This weekend I'm doing a hayride and cornmaze and such! That's so exciting about your Irish Dancing best of luck to you and you're writing! And huzzah for getting another poem published!

    1. Halloween is such a fun holiday! What are you dressing up as this year? :) Hope you had a great time! I took my kids trick or treating; the condo community where we live hosts it before Halloween and we had a lot of fun! Now we have too much candy! Thanks for stopping by! :)


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