On Changes, Big and Small

Hello all! 

Hope you've all been enjoying the very beginning of Autumn. Today was the chilliest day we've had in ages! I think the high was 72 degrees. Crazy, but I was so grateful. ;) 

Forgive the lack of posts, but my twins started school a few weeks ago and that has been quite a change for all of us. I've got a disgruntled three year old at home with me in the mornings who misses his twins desperately while they are in school. Mornings are so busy now! Trying to get twins ready for school is a little stressful; they aren't used to having a routine like this and since they are young, they don't really understand the urgency. We are taking it day by day. The twins like school and their teacher, so that's good. :) There have been some other things going on, so I haven't been able to work on my writing for a long time. I did apply for a writing grant that is specifically for writers who are parents of young children; that grant would help me so much and aid me in finishing my novel! :D Can't wait to hear back about it! 

As for Irish Dancing, I'm feeling the pressure of the upcoming Oireachtas! I'm working on getting Job of Journeywork ready for that, as well as learning a new advanced reel and a hornpipe in time for the East Bay Feis in October. My plywood for practicing hard shoe at home is starting to crack, oh dear! We are working on trying to set up a second time during the week for a sort of practice session in addition to our class, so my fingers are crossed that it'll all come together and start! I've also been working on exercises at home which I think have helped, but it's always a work in progress. I still don't particularly love wall-sits, but at least they aren't as terrible now as when I first started doing them! 

Speaking of Irish Dancing, one of my most favorite and special pieces was published in August about being an adult Irish Dancer and how it has changed my life! I was so thrilled to see it published by Tribe Magazine and the response it has received has blown me away. I posted the link in a few Facebook groups and got the loveliest and most meaningful comments. I really hope my article has inspired someone to try something different and see where it takes them. I am a happier and healthier person because of Irish Dancing, as well as a better parent and wife. I could go on and on about it, so here's a link to my piece: 

With These Feet, I Shall Fly

The words of that piece flowed straight from my heart and through my fingertips onto my laptop's keyboard. Let me know what you think and please share it with others! 

Tell me what you've all been up to! ;) 


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