Two Special Pieces and Great News!

Hi all! 

I haven't had a lot of time to write lately, but I do have some exciting news! 

Remember how I was writing a book? Well, I took a break for it for a while because something wasn't quite right about it. After talking to my dad a few weeks ago, he mentioned writing a series and it was as though lightning struck my brain. I realized that my book works better as two books and the first one is all done! :D It's about 60,000 words right now and I am still in the process of editing and adding some scenes to help the continuity. The second book is about a quarter of the way done and I'm putting that one on the back burner for now so I can focus on revising the first one. :) 

I am so pumped about this and I feel so much better about my book! It makes more sense now and I think it will flow better. I've found a few agents I'd like to send it to, however it won't be ready for a little while. I'm hoping to start sending it out after January, maybe early spring? I'm still waiting to hear back from the Sustainable Arts Foundation to see if I won a writing grant. The awards will be announced in a week or so. 

In other news, I've had two pieces published in September and I am very happy about them. 

Literary Mama published a short piece about inspiration as part of their After Page One blog series: After Page One: Inspiration

Stone Bridge Press, a great publisher that publishes books about Asia, started a Flash Fiction Series in their blog and one of my pieces was chosen to be published! I was so excited when I found out! They published one of my writing heroes, Donald Richie, who wrote about Japan. To have one of my pieces chosen by the same publishers makes me feel very proud and honored. :D Check it out here: The Mountains of Minoh

How are all your projects going? 


  1. Great news! I was thinking about you and wondering how the writing was going

    1. Thank you; you are very sweet. :) I haven't much time for writing new pieces lately, but I revised my finished book and am waiting for feedback from readers. Revising that is my project for this year so far! :) Hope all is well with you and thanks for commenting!


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